We specialize in managing large-scale projects, from building public work and infrastructure projects. Our team is highly experienced and dedicated to providing our clients with the best quality of construction/project management, inspection and design services for every project.
PMCS Group has extensive experience with water resources projects, allowing us to integrate design and engineering solutions to our clients and community. Our team is committed to finding the most efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Argo Drain Sub-Basin Facility Project
The project includes construction of underground diversion facilities to capture storm water from LAWA Airside Operations Area and LA County storm drains, conveying and pumping the water through two tunnels using the jack and bore method. Water is collected from the Argo flood channel located inside LAX and from various LA County storm conveyance facilities.
The stormwater is captured and conveyed in tunnels to a deep underground pump station that lifts the water up to an 8-million-gallon underground tank with an open bottom to allow for infiltration and recharge of groundwater aquifer. PMCS is overseeing the project and providing change management oversight, schedule oversight, review of payment requests, review of RFIs / Submittals, and assistance on resolving technical issues.
Construction Value: $37 Million
California Water Service, Dominguez Well 216 Chlorination Project
PMCS staff are providing construction management support of the Chlorination Treatment Facility for the existing Cal Water Well at the Dominguez Station Well No. 216-02.
The project includes the construction of concrete CMU structure, installation of chemical dosing equipment, water treatment process piping, SCADA control system, electrical service upgrade, fire protection system, landscaping irrigation, and site development. 
Construction Value: $2.68 Million

California Water Service Dominguez 275 Treatment Facility Modification
PMCS staff are providing startup and commissioning of the existing DOM 275 Well Treatment Facility. The project includes the installation of a mid-process flush line, valve modification to the existing ion exchange vessels, floor drain installation, startup, and commissioning of the well treatment facility.  
Construction Value: $757,000